Saturday, January 30, 2010

Time for a change!

It's that time again. Time to tear apart the store and redecorate for a new look. It may be very cold outside but you will warm up as soon as you walk in and see all the new spring prim goodies! I will be adding new all the time until we change to the next season!
Stay warm and see you soon!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Last chance to shop the CLEARANCE tables!

That's right, this is the last week to shop the clearance tables. There is still plenty left because I did like I said and kept finding more for the tables as things sold!
February will be kicked off with a fresh new look for the store. New items and new candles. Stop on in soon to see all the great new prim items that I've been creating just for February.
Also I wanted to mention that I took many new items to our booth at The Shed too. Look for the "Prim Chicks" booth!
Blessings to all~

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

It's always so sad to take down all the Christmas decorations and unplug the last of the twinkling lights. Not to mention how bare the house tends to look when all is put away. Stop on in sometime... I just finished this great piece. It's a plant stand on a wide base, I painted it black and gave it a nice distressed finish. I just love how this piece turned out. I have also brought in some fun small mammy brooms too. They are a great shelf setter and only $5.00. You just never know what I'll bring in next so stop in soon!
Grace'n blessings~ Kendra